“Education is a path not a destination”
A deep sense of joy and gratitude envelopes my whole being as I sit down to pen these few lines for this institution and nursing profession. As an excellent nursing school Bee Enn Nursing Institute has done a tremendous work in educating, directing, orienting and leading the student nurses to the right direction. This institute has achieved heights of both in academic excellence and in the integral growth of the students. Since 1998 from our humble beginnings we have journeyed 21 years and what we are today is the result of our yesterday.
At Bee Enn Nursing Institute we leave no stone unturned to offer multitudes of opportunities to our student nurses; it is for them to make the most of it. The success of BNNI is the combined product of our little efforts. I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified and dynamic faculty and non-teaching staff. We have to continue to move ahead for maintaining the best.
I’m only a spark, make me a fire,
I’m only a string, make me a lyre.
May God bless every one of us.